05 Incorporation of Nemo Eltech Co., Ltd. (Ulsan North District) 06 Establishment of Nemo Eltech Co., Ltd. Factory (Ulsan North District) 07 Establishment of Corporate Research Institute 10 Direct Production Verification (LED Lighting) 11 Selection as a Start-Up NEST Company by the Credit Guarantee Fund
01 Winner of the Excellence Award
at the Korea-China
Global Entrepreneurship Camp
07 Establishment of the First Factory (Ulsan Factory)
09 Registration of Electrical Construction License (Ulsan 00707)
12 Commendation in the Excellent Entrepreneurship Sector a
Busan-Ulsan Startup Incubation Center Recipient of the Director's
Award at Ulsan Techno Park Startup Star Company
01 Achievement of KS certification (LED indoor lighting)
02 Acquisition of ISO certification
04 Selected as "2019 Excellent Workplace in Our Region"
by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
09 Selected as a promising global ICT company in Ulsan Metropolitan City
10 Mutual agreement for support of vulnerable groups
(Multicultural Family Support Center, Nam-gu, Ulsan)
06 Achievement of KS certification (LED street lamps and security lights)
07 Achievement of KS certification (LED road lighting)
10 Selection as a Global IP Star Company
12 Establishment of the Second Factory (Incheon Factory)
03 Entry into the Road Lighting Sector
in the Public Procurement Service's Nara Market 04 Acquisition of Environmental Label Certification 05 Acquisition of High-Efficiency Energy Equipment Certification
from the Korea Energy Agency (for three products) 12 Awarded the "Mayor's Award" by Ulsan Metropolitan City
(Commendation for Activating the Startup Ecosystem
and Innovative Growth of the Local Economy)
03 Selected as a Partner Company by the Korea Institute
of Industrial Technology
06 Agreement with the Defense Venture Center
(Defense Technology Promotion Research Institute)
08 Relocation of the Corporate Research Institute(Ungchon-myeon, Ulju-gun)
12 Relocation of Headquarters (Samnam-eup, Ulju-gun)
10 Ulsan Circular Economy Win-Win Cooperation Governance Agreement Awarded Contract for Local Energy New Industry Solar Installation Project
11 Local Energy New Industry
"UNIST Solar Power Generation Facility Construction“
12 Establishment of Seongshin High School EWP Energy 1004 Solar Shelter (in collaboration with Korea East-West Power)
03 Patent Registration for Lighting Device Using Quantum Dot Film
12 Selected as an 'Eco Start UP' Company by the Korea
Environmental Industry & Technology Institute
01 Acquisition of certification for designation of innovative products
(LED indoor lighting with quantum dot film)